Monday, December 17, 2018

RV travel is good, but you must pay attention to these three points.

Self-driving tour is not unusual now. Driving a car to travel is definitely the "ultimate" dream of many people.

RV - mobile home

There is a flaw in the car; where do you want to sleep? Where do you want to eat? When you want to urinate?

Imagine how a family can drive a car and travel around the world.

Park the car at the beach, face the sea, drink some cold beer, how romantic;

No more need to go anywhere to book a room, say go and go, meet with you, how free...

RV trip, living on the road

The benefits of RV travel are many. However, there are also many issues that need attention.

First, traffic rules

1, limited line.

RVs, as truck-type carts, are subject to restrictions at home and abroad. For example, in Europe, the city center is absolutely not allowed to enter.

Limit line sign, please do not break into the consequences


Parked outside the city, it is best to use a RV campground, stop by bicycle or take a bus to the city. Of course, if your RV is a trailer, then you can put the car into the city after you have settled the RV.

2, highway.

Even if you can take the RV to 200 miles, as a "truck", you can't take the left highway, you can only take the middle or right slow lane. Otherwise, it was photographed or met the police. It was directly fined and not negotiating.

Second, security

There is everything in the RV, you know, the thief knows. The goal of the RV is so great, beware of being taken care of by the "hearted person".


1. During the day, you can stop at the door of a large supermarket. In the evening, if the city’s law and order is better, it’s still a good night’s sleep. If you don't feel at ease, you can still transfer to the campsite.

2. Install the anti-theft lock. This is a truth with the security door, the focus is to extend the time of the thief's crime, not let him enter the car in seconds, no one will open, the thief will give up.

3. Before the person leaves the car, all the windows are closed, all the curtains are tightened, and nothing can be seen from the window.

4, wear a simple point, do not have a car with a great look, go out and keep quiet.

Third, RV supply and sewage

If you want the RV to work properly, you need to add water and power frequently. To meet the toilet problem, it is also necessary to solve the sewage problem.


1. Stop at the RV campsite every day. Campsites have high, medium and low grades, but often do not coexist. In many places, there is only one open space, several charging piles and one tap. But this is also better than no way to replenish. Therefore, the water and electricity of the RV should be adequately replenished. However, it should not be too much. After all, after filling with water, the fuel consumption is quite large.

2, gas. If you are planning to cook in the car, the gas tank is a must, but be sure to ensure that the gas tank is closed when driving, otherwise it will be dangerous.

3, excrement. First go to the RV store to buy a bottle of septic. This thing is super useful. A small bottle cap not only turns the solid matter into a stream, but also sterilizes and deodorizes it. Without this, I am afraid that there will be no way to live in the car soon. These excretions are not what they want to fall. RV campsites and some larger gas stations have places to dump waste. This aspect of Europe is still very particular. Of course, in the depths of some mountains, there is really no way, you can fall it directly.

Understanding the above three points is crucial for driving a car. It is not difficult to get the above points and want to have a comfortable and happy RV trip.

The biggest advantage of RV travel is freedom. How important is freedom for travel!

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