Monday, December 3, 2018

How to raise a hamster to get close to you?

The hamster is very mini and cute, a very strong solitary animal and a popular pet. There are many varieties of hamsters, such as the golden bear, the third-line hamster, the first-line hamster, etc. So how do you raise the hamster to get close to you? Let's take a look.

How to raise a hamster to get close to you

1.Take a piece of unwanted clothes that you pass through, cut it and make it a mat. It has your taste on the clothes. After it sleeps more, it will be familiar with your taste, so that it won’t feel unfamiliar it when you get close to it.

2. In the time when it is still not close to you, feed it and try not to put it in the food trough. You can feed it by hand, so that when it feeds more, it will stand up and eat after it see you. At the same time, you can also give it a name, call its name every time you feed it, a few more times later, and it will come over as soon as you call it.

3. Try not to disturb it during the day when it rests, or else it smells your smell and knows that you wake it up and will be resentful in the future.

4. Try to take half an hour every night to play with it, you can take it in your hand, play more, it is no stranger.

Hamster daily feeding knowledge

Breeding environment 

The most suitable temperature is 20-28 °C, avoid direct sunlight or direct wind blowing, but pay attention to ventilation. Don't be too close to TV, stereo, computer, hamsters can hear the sound that humans can't hear, avoid radiation and noisy.

Summer: It is best not to turn on the air conditioner, because the temperature difference between the air conditioner is too high, the hamster is very sensitive to temperature and easy to catch a cold.

Winter: Putting an outdoor hamster will be a hibernation because it is too cold. Padded wood and other mats, hamsters are equipped with wooden or grass cottages for warmth. Or give some cotton to let the hamsters make their own nests, cotton wool can be used, it is best to use natural cotton. The easiest way is to put the entire cage in the carton, but pay attention to ventilation. Don't give them a cotton woven item. Although warm, the hamster will bite the cotton fabric and sleep inside, so some unbroken cotton will easily cause the hamster to suffocate.

Hamster food
Vegetables, carrots, spinach, cucumber, cabbage, papaya (green and yellow vegetables are preferred)
Seeds Sunflower seeds, peanuts, walnuts, pine nuts
Fruits, apples, strawberries, cherries, etc.
Cereal feed for chickens, feed for small birds, wheat, corn, millet
Plants, dandelion, genus, plantain
Animal protein, Beef, chicken, poached egg white, cheese, milk, yogurt, bread worm, barley worm

Basic supplies

Cage: Use a ventilated wire cage or a half-iron and semi-gel cage in summer, such as a wild cage. Keep warm in winter, and the full-glued cage is more suitable for winter. Do not use barbed wire on the cage chassis. Hamsters are prone to fractures and injuries.

Food bowl: The general small container can be used, as long as it is not easy to knock over, and the edge is not too high, otherwise the hamster can't climb in. Commonly used containers: glass ashtrays, soy sauce dishes, all kinds of small bowls, microwave oven boxes, small crisper.

Drinking fountain: The general design front of the drinking fountain has stainless steel beads. Pay attention to test whether it leaks when purchasing. You can't use the bowl to hold water directly, because the hamster will get wet when drinking water, and it is easy to get cold and get sick.

Toilet: The general plastic box with cat litter is a relatively simple toilet. Take out the agglomerated cat litter every day or replace it all, which is in accordance with personal hygiene. Some hamsters will use it and are not required.

Bathroom: Some hamsters will bathe with cat litter in the toilet. Although it is unsanitary, it is a hamster's preference, so there is no need for a shower room, but for a clean hamster, the owner should buy a bathroom for it. The bath sand allows the hamster to roll over.

Running wheel: Wild hamsters have to run 20 kilometers a day, so exercise is very important for hamsters. Without sufficient exercise, hamsters will be overstressed and betrayed. At the same time, hamsters are prone to overnutrition and obesity. Therefore, the careful owner should give the hamster a running wheel. Pay attention when purchasing. You should choose a seamless running wheel, and the hamster will not be easily injured.

Sawdust: A lot of materials are available, and most people use wood chips because it is clean and easy to buy.

Molar items: The hamster's teeth will grow constantly, so you need to use a molar stick to wear off the long teeth. Many hamsters grind their teeth in other ways, such as biting cages. Don't worry too much when not using the calculus/molar bar you provided.

Cabin: The cabin is ceramic, wooden, grassy, ​​plastic, and the hamster likes it. Because the hamster is an animal that loves to make a hole, if you have the condition, you should give the hamster a cabin and you can make it yourself.

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