Thursday, February 14, 2019

How to adopt a stray animal

Whenever I see the stray cats and puppies on the street, it look at the food in your hand pitifully. There are always girls who can’t help but take them home. "Give them a home, even if I am still wandering. ". Urban stray animals have become urban labels. But do you really know how to adopt a stray animal? What are the conditions for adopting stray animals? It is not enough to adopt by love. Let's take a look at what conditions are needed to adopt a small animal!

Adopter's own conditions:
1, have a stable, better living environment. In fact, animals don't like to move, and if you move for a few months, it's not suitable for small animals. There are many living basements or semi-basements, and the indoor environment with insufficient sunlight is not suitable for small animals.
2, work is stable, not often working overtime. Cats and dogs also need people to accompany them. If they travel a lot and go home very late, they will feel very lonely and it is difficult to guarantee three meals.
3, be patient and make sure you are not on the rise. Be prepared to sacrifice your spare time.
4. Men and women live together in rented houses. How about... What should the animals do after breaking up?
5, the wedding is intended to BB couple. The baby is the center of the family. Will it take time and energy to take care of it?

Precautions for adoption:
1, it is best to adopt from the non-profit organization. Accept non-profit organizations to return visits regularly.
2, personal adoption of small animals and small animals, pay attention to health issues. First of all, we must go to the pet hospital for disinfection, sterilization for small animals, and other health work to prevent the spread of diseases such as parasites.
3. Prepare the living utensils for the adopted animals before the animals enter the door. Water basins, cages (wolves), toys, etc. Let the animals have a sense of belonging.
4. Learn about the knowledge you need to adopt animals. For example, dogs can't eat chocolate, can't eat onion and onions. Learn how to train pets to go to the toilet.
The lifespan of cats and dogs is generally about 20 years in the case of family support. In other words, no small animal can accompany you for the rest of your life. You can spend it with you for a lifetime, but it is only part of your life.

Adoption is responsible for another life.

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